Paradigmas e currículo do Programa Alagoano em Tempo Integral em Santana do Ipanema - Alagoas: Parâmetros da Escola em Tempo Integral


This article proposes to initiate discussions in the philosophical, social and cultural field that need to be rethought and discussed in order to promote critical reflection on full-time school and its curriculum. In the first stage of this chapter, we worked with the assumptions and theorists of full-time education with John Dewey, Anísio Teixeira and Dary Ribeiro. Then we worked with the curriculum in its implementation, we highlighted the process for building the investigation based on the perceptions and meanings of the actors belonging to the school community. The three categories of analysis in which the approach to access corresponds to the adequacy of the curriculum to the needs of the school community as well as the characteristics of inputs; Pedagogical resources enable the development of the school's ideals and the impacts are more strongly worked out, being the neuralgic point of the educational dialectic.

Keywords: Curriculum, High School, Full-time Education.

Author Biography

Francisco Carvalho de Melo Neto, Escola Estadual professor Mileno Ferreira da Silva


Doutor em Educação pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação Universidad SEK, Chile (2019).

Mestre em Educação pelo Centro Latino-americano de Economia Humana – CLAEH, Uruguai (2013).

Especialista em Programação do Ensino de História pela Universidade de Pernambuco – UPE. Brasil (2000).

Graduado em Licenciatura Plena em História pela Universidade de Pernambuco – UPE, Brasil (1998).

Atua como gestor pela Secretaria de Educação do Estado de Alagoas em Santana do Ipanema – AL, Brasil.

How to Cite
MELO NETO, F. Paradigmas e currículo do Programa Alagoano em Tempo Integral em Santana do Ipanema - Alagoas: Parâmetros da Escola em Tempo Integral. CADERNOS DE PESQUISA: PENSAMENTO EDUCACIONAL, v. 17, n. 46, p. 174-187, 30 ago. 2022.